Product Warranty and Service Statement產品保修及服務聲明
Street Value will replace or repair any product we sell to you that has any manufacturing defect and is under the Manufacturer's Warranty. Each brand may have different warranty lengths and conditions. The Manufacturer's Warranty covers the product for manufacturing defects only and not damage caused by normal wear and tear or by using the product not as intended. An items warranty will be considered null and void under any of the following conditions:
酷音會更換或維修任何向您銷售產品,必須為非人為構成的損害及製造商的保修涵蓋,每個品牌或有不同的保修期及條件,製造商的保修只包含製造所產生的缺陷,不包括正常的耗損或非該產品的正確用途。若該產品具有下列情況, 保修將視為失效
- The warranty period has expired保修過期
- There is no valid proof or purchase & warranty label stating the date the item was purchased.沒有有效單據證明購買日期及保修標籤
- The item purchase receipt has been damaged or tampered with.該產品的購買單據受損或被竄改
- The product has been subjected to repair work or alteration by a person or facility other than those authorized by Street Value Limited.產品曾被非酷音授權的人士或設施修理或改裝
- The product serial number, date stamp or other marking has been removed or defaced.產品的序號,日期蓋章或其他印記被移除或塗污
- The damage to the item is a result of by normal wear and tear or deterioration.該產品的損壞是由正常耗損或退化造成
- The damage to the item is caused by accident, abuse, misuse, or misapplication.該產品的損壞是由意外、濫用、錯誤使用或誤用所造成
- The product has been used with incorrect connections, the wrong accessories, incorrect use of accessories or operation with faulty associated equipment. 該產品曾不當聯線,錯誤配件,不當使用配件或曾於關連壞件器械操作
- The item has been damaged by exposure to any kind of liquid. 該產品暴露於任何液體而造成損害
- The item has been damaged from environmental causes, inappropriate storage or neglect. 該產品環境因素、不當儲存或疏忽而受損
- The item has not been purchased from one of our authorised retail stores. Click here to visit Street Value Authroised Reseller. 該產品購自非授權零售店鋪, 按此查看Street Value 授權零售商店
Warranty Period 保修期限
The duration of the Manufacturers Warranty from date of purchase is as follows:
從購買日起計算的保修期限如下 :
Marshall Headphones / Speakers 耳機/音響 Purchase on or before 2024/07/31 Purchase 2024/08/01 onwards* |
1 Year, 1年 2 Year, 2年* |
Adidas Headphones 耳機 |
1 Year, 1年 |
Urbanears Headphones 耳機 |
1 Year, 1年 |
Sudio耳機 |
1 Year, 1年 |
Lexon |
1 Year, 1年 |
On and off Headphones 耳機 |
1 Year, 1年 |
Conditions of Sale and Service 銷售服務條件
- We do not offer cash refund or Credit for defective items claimed under warranty.我們不會提供壞品保修退款或賒貸
- When an item is replaced under warranty the warranty period is not extended. The warranty period remains fixed from the original date of purchase of the item as indicted on the original purchase receipt.当坏品保修期內被更換代替品, 該產品的保修期不會因此延長,保修期依然跟原先購買單據日期計算
- If an item is replaced the original defective product is retained by and becomes the property of Street Value Limited. Street Value may require the customer to destroy the defective item in order to process the claim.当壞品被更換為新品,原先的壞品將被酷音保留為酷音財產,酷音或會要求消費者自行銷毀壞品以便處理索償
Street Value Limited shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages caused by the product being defective. Street Value assumes no liability for cost due to third party’s or customer’s loss of profit, or any other indirect cost or losses however incurred. 酷音不會對任何由壞品意外性或影響性的損害負責,酷音並不對第三方或顧客的利潤損失假設性負責,或其他所構成的非直接成本或損失負責
- Marshall products (speakers and headphones) purchase from 1st August 2024, will come with an extended warranty from the original 1 year to 2 years. Customer only requires present the purchase invoice issued by Authorized dealer along with the date on the receipt. Click here to learn more. 由2024年8月1日起,Marshall產品(喇叭及耳機)保養期均由原先的1年延長至2年,而不需要額外登記,客人只需出示授權商戶所發出的購買單據及單據上的日期便可享此服務。按此了解更多
For further details, please send an email to customerservice@streetvalue.asia or contact us at +86 010-83484204 (China) +852-25772599 (HK & Macau) or WhatsApp +852 5593 7515 (HK & Macau)
如需進一步詳細資料,請發電郵至customerservice@streetvalue.asia或致電+86 010-83484204 (中國) +852-25772599 (香港及澳門) or WhatsApp +852 5593 7515 (香港及澳門)
Updated as of 4 Sept 2024